This script is for the Spring'11 classes at Community Colege of Philadelphia. Class scripts are in existance since Summer II 2009. To see previous scripts, including the Spring'11 term, click here.

Attention:Kimberly Broaddus. Your Email address,, is not being recognized by Send me another Email address to contact you.

Your word test is up and active as of 9AM on Aug 12th, 2011.

Tomorrow, August 22, after break, you have your excel test. You can see prior excel test I have given by clicking here to see a script with accessability to several prior tests

To send your instructor an Email, you can use this form or use another Email program and direct your Email to

Your Name:

Your Email Address:Note:you must enter an Email address

It look like everyone is registered. I have added quite a bit of tutorials. You do not have to do them all. Concentrate on the word tutorials and then do the operating system, computer literacy and internet tutorials on a as needed basis,